The Global Goals

The Global Goals
7. November 2023 admin

At Pharma-Tech A / S, we work actively with the global goals.

Read more below about what goals we are focusing on and what we have already achieved or are in the process of achieving.

For several years, Pharma-Tech A/S has supported the Danish Hospital Clowns for the benefit and joy of hospitalized children.

We hire employees in flex jobs and always find a solution to retain employees who should be in the unfortunate situation of partially losing their ability to work. This work has in 2017 given us a certificate from Randers municipality, for our overall CSR efforts and contribution to creating an inclusive labor market in Randers municipality.

All employees are offered health insurance through the joint pension scheme.
All employees are also offered a private health scheme, which also includes free online medical consultations for the employee and family 24/7.

Pharma-Tech has a canteen scheme with healthy alternatives and free fruit.

Pharma-Tech A / S takes plastic maker apprentices and trainees into the company, and we also have equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, orientation and religion.

At Pharma-Tech A / S, there is equality between the sexes. – This is reflected in equal pay and equal opportunities for men and women in the company. There are women in management positions and the three owner managers consist of 2 men and one woman. The board consists of 50% women and 50% men

All process water is recycled, which results in avoiding unnecessary consumption of drinking water.

When collecting surface water, we have installed pellet filters to stop contamination of the wastewater.

In 2022, we achieved environmental certification according to ISO 14001, which according to the ISO organization covers 4 sub-goals of world goal 6 as well as sub-goals in 7 other world goals

Pharma-Tech A/S continuously monitors opportunities to invest in sustainable energy from e.g. solar or wind.

Pharma-Tech is planning a project on renewable energy from solar panels, there is not yet set a date for when this project will launch due to building restrictions. As an alternative, we could choose to invest in other solar power projects – Not to reduce our own power consumption, but to contribute to a more sustainable world.  

In 2023, we are still in a good dialogue with the local power plant about recovering our surplus energy to be recycled and are currently challenging local authorities on a project to recycle our surplus heat, which our machines and production generates.

In 2022, we achieved environmental certification according to ISO 14001, which according to the ISO organization covers 2 sub-goals of global goal 7 as well as sub-goals in 7 other global goals

Pharma-Tech A / S works daily to move possible sales in the sustainable direction.

In 2023, we again have increasing inquiries and production in products in Post Consumer recycled plastic and plastic recycled from old industrial fishing nets. – In addition, we continuously work to reduce the proportion of raw materials included in each packaging, where possible, but still provide good products that protect the contents sufficiently to also reduce food waste.

A project with circular recycling has become a reality. The items for the customer are now produced with 25% recycled material. The recycled material comes from used items that the customer returns to us. The plastic is then granulated, which can be recycled directly into new items – thus saving on new products and reducing the environmental footprint.

We are always looking for similar projects that can support sustainable production and provide a higher proportion of recycled plastic in manufactured items.

In 2022, our first machines arrived that can manufacture PET products more machines arrived in 2023. PET has the advantage that even recycled plastic can be used for food and medico, so we are taking a step towards strengthening the possibilities of using recycled plastic – even for food packaging and medico.
The recycled percentage can be up to 100% – Pet production reduces the total emmision from transport to the customer, since one pallet of preforms can be transformed into up to 15 pallets of bottles.

We are actively working to reduce energy consumption in the company. Since 2015, we have reduced energy consumption by 40% per kg of plastic through energy improvements in production lines, changed workflows and innovative solutions, as well as investments in new production lines.

Pharma-Tech A/S has a goal of reducing production waste so that the need for new virgin raw materials is reduced and the production of waste is minimized, this is reflected in our implemented ISO 14001, which is certified in 2022.

Pharma-Tech A/S works towards sustainable packaging of our products. In 2022, we replaced the cardboard in our cardboard boxes and trays with recycled cardboard, and now close to 98% of all the cardboard we use is FSC certified.

In addition, return schemes are being worked on, where customers can return cardboard trays for direct recycling – without energy consumption in addition to the transport back to us.

We participate in networks where we, together with other stakeholders, can influence the development. For example. utilization of surplus heat (Randers Municipality)

We also participate in a network about recycling of plastic waste in Randers Municipality, where the complete industial plastic waste is mapped for later plans to rework and recycle plastic waste in a closed circular loop.

By purchasing recycled plastic for production, we strengthen the incentive to hand in plastic waste for recycling.

For example. old fishing nets are collected for recycling instead of simply being dumped in the sea or burned off.

Pharma Tech A / S informs customers about the possibility of production in sustainable recycled materials and already has the knowledge and technology to manufacture in these materials, as we have already produced several products in these materials.

This strengthens the fight against plastic waste ending up in the sea

We offer our customers to produce biodegradable packaging. We produce biodegradable ornaments for coffins. And in this way, we do our part to ensure that plastic that is dug down degrades over time.